- Full name: 中国建筑(东南亚)有限公司
- Trading name: 中国建筑(东南亚)有限公司
- Abbreviated name: 中建(东南亚)
- Charter Capital:
- Tax code: 0301218401
- Head office: 越南胡志明市第七郡阮文灵大道801号丁善理大楼6层
- Tel: +84(8)5411 5988
- Website: cscec-sea.com

中国建筑(东南亚)有限公司是中建二局旗下子公司,总部位于越南胡志明市第7郡富美兴新城区,下辖马来西亚公司、柬埔寨公司和隆安板桩预制厂,参股中华太平洋建设有限公司。公司通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理、ISO 14001:2004环境管理、ISO 18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系认证,是集民用、工业和交通建筑施工、设计咨询、建筑机械设备出租、混凝土制售、原材料进出口、钢结构设计建造等业务为一体的综合性国际工程承包企业。
公司于上世纪90年代走出国门,海外耕耘20余载,累计承接合同额近200亿元,业务范围遍及越南全境、马来西亚吉隆坡、柔佛州、柬埔寨金边等多个区域,面向印尼、文莱、缅甸、老挝等国实施市场营销综合布局, 是中国建筑“大海外”布局中东南亚区域的窗口企业。
China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a sole subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corp.
The Company possesses more than 25,000 employees in total, including over 1,500 senior professional and technical personnel.
China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a sole subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corp.
China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a sole subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corp.
The Company possesses more than 25,000 employees in total, including over 1,500 senior professional and technical personnel.
The Company has been valuing project quality fundamentally and formulated Company Quality Policy as people oriented, law abided, prevention first, continuous progress, create green and safe environment as well as meet with clients’ requirements. In recent years, the Company has been awarded with over 500 Ministry Level Excellent Project Prizes, among which 31 projects were awarded with Lu Ban Awards- the highest award in the construction sector in China, 26 National Level Excellent Project Prizes, 7 Zhan Tianyou Prizes, 89 National and Ministry Level Science Research Prizes, 12 National Level Scientific Awards and owns 16 National Level Construction Methods.
Following the enterprise concept of “Creating more value for the clients, creating more returns to the investors, creating more opportunities for the employees, providing first class services to the society”, the Company is always ready to offer the best services to all employers and clients.
Following the enterprise concept of “Creating more value for the clients, creating more returns to the investors, creating more opportunities for the employees, providing first class services to the society”, the Company is always ready to offer the best services to all employers and clients.